Laurent Bigot

musician, sound artiste

For a long time I have been interested in the sound potential of objects.
Moving objects, instrument objects, resonator objects…
This research is extended by an amplification work, in wich the choice and placement of microphones are essential.

I started using compressed air a few years ago.
This work led in particular to the creation of « D’un air instable » (Unsteadily, Unstable air), where objects, sometimes not devoid of humor, give to hear and to see.

"Soufflettes" uses the same sound production system. With this project I wanted to devote myself solely to the sound aspect, to deepen a more instrumental approach, and to develop ideas wich were in germ in "D'un air instable" but wich were not achievable due to the size of the device.

The device of « D’un air instable » also generated "Souffles", in collaboration with electro-videographer Lionel Palun, a performance in wich sound and image intertwine and influence each other.


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